A new, easier, better version of English is here!

I had some fun over the last few weeks writing this up. Enjoy! You could use it in Advanced level groups too…

Are you fed up with the complicated and irregular English language? Are you fed up of phrasal verbs like “fed up”? Don’t you wish Cambridge would stop taking grammar so seriously and relax a little? If, like me, you’ve taught classes of English and thought “this would be so much easier if…” then please read on. I have come up with 10 simple proposals for streamlining and upgrading the English language to make it easier for all of us. Please click this link and read the post on my other blog.


3 Responses to A new, easier, better version of English is here!

  1. Ercília says:

    Thanks a lot, Dave. I haved lots of fun when I readed this text. Great inspiration, man!I think my students agree completely with you although they loved ‘I still not finded what I’m looking for’. Cheers!

  2. Fiona says:

    Well, Mr Maclure,

    This is a fine piece of writing you have here!A lot of work!
    I’ll definetely show it to my Mas students.

  3. guarany says:

    Good job!


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