Funny communication videos

August 12, 2009

Hello everyone,

Just to say I made it to the UK in one piece and Dyego has given me permission to keep putting things on here if I think you might like them. The other night I was splitting my sides watching videos from – short real videos that show people “failing” at all sorts of things. Here are two connected to communicating in English which are epic failures. The surfer is using his own language (barely English) and the Chinese lady is singing in what she thinks is English, but clearly isn’t.

You may find some use for them in your lessons?

Take care,

some good-byes

August 4, 2009

This website would like to say thanks to one of our most beloved contributors Dave MacLure which is leaving us not for good, but for some time (we hope). Dave with his contributions and support helped us to build this weblog which has given us so much. I can´t find proper words to say how happy I am for being your mate and friend, Dave.

All the best to you in any career you choose ( even magician 🙂 ), and keep contributing with us, wherever you are!

Dyego, on behalf of all Cultura Inglesa Natal.